

我们欢迎军人, veterans and their eligible dependents and spouses to join our community of learners. 亚洲博彩平台排名 is approved for veterans' 好处 - including Yellow Ribbon 好处 - and has been named a Military Friendly School, 授予排名前20%的大学的称号, universities and trade schools nationwide that are doing the most to embrace America's military service members, 退伍军人和配偶作为学生,并确保他们在校园取得成功.

V.A. 教育福利

美国.S. Department of Veterans Affairs administers education 好处 for eligible veterans, 服役人员和家属, 包括已故或残疾退伍军人的子女. 有意使用VA教育福利的学生应访问 GI Bill®网站 获得资格证书(COE). Students provide their COE to the Office of the 注册商 to verify eligibility. 注册办公室向VA认证注册.

  • For certification questions, call the Office of the 注册商 at (401) 341-2943
  • 有关财务问题,请致电商务办公室(401)341-2900
  • For additional means of funding, call the Office of 金融援助 at (401) 341-2901

GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站.


亚洲博彩平台排名 has an articulation agreement with the Naval War College to provide credit exchange to its students. 大学为战争学院的学生提供两种福利:

  • War College students earning an 18-credit diploma may be eligible to transfer those credits into a master's degree program at 亚洲博彩平台排名. 这意味着一个36学分的硕士学位只需要18个学分.
  • War College graduates and current students may earn a second master's degree from 亚洲博彩平台排名 by completing at least 24 credit hours (eight graduate courses) at the University. 必修24学时, six credits (two courses) may be free electives completed outside the War College degree plan or conferred degree. These six credits may be transferred from the War College with the approval of the graduate program director at 亚洲博彩平台排名.

For more information, email the Office of 研究生及专业学习 at graduate_studies@药膏.edu.


收到现役命令的学生可以提出要求, 以书面形式, 从大学退学或请假. In such cases, an original copy of the order should be presented to the Office of the 注册商.

A withdrawal or leave of absence without academic and financial penalty may be authorized, enabling students to receive grades of "W" and 100 percent refund of tuition and fees.

如果情况允许, 学生可以要求其他选择, to be determined by the respective administrator in collaboration with course instructors. Some courses may lend themselves to an "Incomplete" grade for an extended period, 或者通过自主学习完成. 在这些情况下,退款是根据完成的学分按比例分配的.

  • 联系VA. 亚洲博彩平台排名退伍军人福利的官方指导, 联系你当地的退伍军人办公室, 致电(888)442-4551或访问 va.政府.
  • 申请入学. 有关如何申请的信息,请亚洲博彩平台排名的招生办公室. 你可以在网上找到我们 药膏.edu/admission, or call (401) 341-2908 for undergraduate admission or (800) 637-0002 for graduate and professional studies.
  • Submit a copy of your VA benefit application or certificate of eligibility to the Office of the 注册商. 申请表格可于 好处.va.政府.

Most VA students at 亚洲博彩平台排名 apply for 好处 using one of the following:

  • 22-1990申请退伍军人教育福利. Use this form if you will be using VA 好处 for the first time under the Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty or Select Reserve, 以及VEAP(后越南时代)的福利. 此表格用于第30、32、33、1606和1607章的福利.
  • 22-1995变更退伍军人培训计划或培训地点的请求. Use this form if you have previously received VA 好处 at another college or university, 或者如果你要从一个程序切换到另一个程序, 比如从学士学位到硕士学位. (第35章学生使用22-5495.)
  • 22-5490遗属和家属教育援助申请书. 如果您是合格退伍军人的儿子、女儿或配偶,请使用此表格. 这是用于第35章下的福利.
  • 22-5495 Request for Change of VA Education Program or Place of Training - Survivors and Dependents. 如果您是合格退伍军人的儿子、女儿或配偶,请使用此表格, 并且之前在另一所学院或大学获得过退伍军人福利, 或者如果你要从一个程序切换到另一个程序, 比如从学士学位到硕士学位. 这是用于第35章下的福利.

You must provide details to the registrar every academic term (fall, spring and/or summer). 根据第30章, students cannot receive Montgomery GI Bill® for any course(s) for which Tuition Assistance is awarded, 除了充值计划. 此外,对某些享有第1606章福利的预备役人员也有特殊规定. If you will be using Tuition Assistance and Top-Up, you will not be certified through this office. You should simply submit the Tuition Assistance form to the Buffalo processing office. 有关此选项的详细信息,请访问VA网站.

亚洲博彩平台排名参加了黄丝带计划. 如果你符合9/11后退伍军人法案(第33章)100%的税率, 你可能有资格享受这个福利的黄丝带部分. 如果是这样的话, call the Office of the 注册商 at (401) 341-2943 and we will forward the Yellow Ribbon application to you. Remember, you must provide verification of 100% eligibility before you can apply.

你不需要全日制注册. However, your enrollment does affect the amount of your VA educational 好处. 付款率可以在 退伍军人事务网站 或致电(888)442-4551.

  • The Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) for those who served at least 30 consecutive days on active duty after Sept. 10, 2001.
  • 9/11后的黄丝带计划. The student must be a veteran receiving 好处 at the 100% benefit rate payable, a transfer-of-entitlement eligible dependent child or a transfer-of-entitlement eligible spouse of a veteran.
  • The Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty (Chapter 30) for those who enlisted after July 1, 1985.
  • The Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606) part of the GI Bill effective July 1, 1985.
  • The Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 35) for the spouse and children of deceased or disabled veterans.
  • The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Chapter 31) for disabled veterans approved by the VA for study at 亚洲博彩平台排名.

如果你是根据第30章领取福利, you need to inform the VA each month that you are still enrolled at 亚洲博彩平台排名. 这被称为证明你的注册. 你可以通过他们的在线服务来做到这一点 网上注册自动验证 (WAVE) system or by calling the toll-free interactive voice response telephone line at (877) 823-2378.

注:如果你是根据《亚洲博彩平台排名》(第33章)领取福利, DEA(第35章), REAP(第1607章)或VEAP(第32章), 您不需要以这种方式验证您的出勤情况.

For Chapter 33 recipients only, the VA will reimburse for the graduation application fee. 这并不包括学位帽和学位服的租金.

For Chapter 30 and Chapter 1606 recipients, you can check online through the 网上注册自动验证 (WAVE)系统,或致电(888)442-4551. 所有其他福利,请拨打(888)442-4551 VA帮助热线.

You will need to contact the VA office to see if you have any 好处 remaining.